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Firearms Offenses

If you face firearms offenses in Georgia, you must understand your rights and the available defenses to protect yourself. Whether charged with illegal possession, improper display, or other gun crimes, enlist the help of a skilled criminal defense lawyer to navigate the legal system. With potential consequences ranging from fines to imprisonment, having a strong defense strategy proves essential.

Types of Weapons Charges

In the state of Georgia, individuals can face various types of weapons charges. Firearms offenses encompass a range of illegal actions related to the possession, use, or distribution of firearms. Common types of weapons charges include illegal possession of a firearm, carrying a concealed weapon without a permit, brandishing a firearm in a threatening manner, and using a firearm in the commission of a crime. Each of these charges carries serious legal consequences that can impact an individual’s future and freedom.

Importance of Hiring a Gun Crimes Attorney

When facing firearms offenses in Georgia, a criminal defense lawyer who specializes in gun crimes proves essential. A skilled attorney can evaluate the circumstances of your case, assess the evidence against you, and determine the best course of action for your defense. Your lawyer will work to protect your rights and provide guidance and support throughout the legal process. With expertise in firearms offenses, they can develop a strategic defense tailored to your specific situation.

Common Defenses for Firearms Offenses

The state of Georgia has strict laws governing the possession and use of firearms, which means that those charged with firearms offenses face serious penalties. However, several defenses can challenge these charges and protect your rights. A knowledgeable criminal defense lawyer can help you explore these options and create a strong defense strategy tailored to your specific circumstances.

Unlawful Search and Discovery

One common defense for firearms offenses in Georgia involves challenging the legality of the search that led to the discovery of the weapon. If law enforcement conducted an unlawful search or seizure, any evidence obtained as a result may be deemed inadmissible in court. This could potentially lead to the dismissal of your case or a reduction in charges.

Right to Self-Defense

Another defense strategy is asserting your right to self-defense. Georgia law allows individuals to use reasonable force, including a firearm, to protect themselves or others from harm. If you demonstrate that you acted in self-defense at the time of the alleged offense, you may have your charges reduced or dismissed.

Lack of Possession

Your criminal defense lawyer may argue that you did not possess the firearm at the time of the offense. Without sufficient evidence linking you to the weapon in question, the prosecution may struggle to prove your guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

Contact a Savannah Criminal Defense Lawyer

Facing firearms offenses in Georgia can prove difficult, but remember that you have rights and options. By working with a knowledgeable criminal defense lawyer, you can build a strong defense strategy and advocate for the best possible outcome in your case. Contact Phillips Carson Phillips today by calling (912) 232-0081 for a free consultation.