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Father’s Rights in Savannah, GA

Fathers in Georgia deserve to raise their children regardless of their marital status. Marriages end, but that does not mean that a father should not be able to be a central part of his children’s lives. Unfortunately, many fathers don’t get the legal support that they need to make the right arguments during custody hearings and end up being marginalized. A father’s legal rights can easily be trampled on without the right legal help.

father's rights in Savannah, GA

At Phillips Carson Phillips, we know how important it is for fathers to stay in their children’s lives. We are parents, many of us fathers, who work tirelessly to be the best parents that we can. We also work tirelessly to give fathers a fighting chance when they divorce and need help with custody arrangements. Phillips Carson Phillips fights to protect fathers’ rights in Savannah, GA, and give those fathers the family law resources that they need when they go to court.

Family Law Can Be Unfair to Fathers

It is no small secret that the legal system is skewed when it comes to divorce and child custody cases. For many reasons, the law leans firmly in favor of women in these cases, which may be a result of trying to balance divorce and custody laws that were already skewed the other way. However, this means that many men find themselves in an uphill battle when it comes to their children.

Many child custody cases are a struggle to establish a father’s rights in Savannah, GA. Because of the way laws are designed and interpreted, it also means they have less of a chance of negotiating favorable custody agreements. At Phillips Carson Phillips, we work hard to fix this problem with strong legal arguments backed by extensive research. We know how to argue on behalf of men who want to be fathers and not just pay child support.

Fighting For Custody and Visitation

You have the right to at least have visitation rights with your kids. In many cases, you should also be able to secure partial custody. The problem is that most dads do not understand how the law works or how to negotiate on their behalf. That’s where Phillips Carson Phillips comes in.

We know how to work within the system to build a custody case. The key is showing the court how much of a father you can be. A well-built case highlights the best parts of your parenting experience and your relationship with your children. When done well, the court will find it difficult to exclude you since you look like a positive and important part of raising your child.

Call Phillips Carson Phillips for Family Law Help

If you don’t want to give up on being a father but divorce is inevitable, the time to call for help is now. Phillips Carson Phillips is here to help you through a difficult divorce and fight for custody. Years of experience and ample resources make it possible to go up against even the most seasoned law firms representing your ex. We have what it takes to keep you in your kids’ lives. Contact Phillips Carson Phillips at (912) 232-0081 to schedule a consultation.