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Child Pornography

Facing child pornography charges is a serious matter that can have profound implications for your life, family, and future. If you find yourself in this situation in Georgia, you must understand the complexities of the legal landscape. The emotional weight of these charges can be immense, so approach the situation with care and informed guidance.

Phillips Carson Phillips stands out in the field of criminal defense, particularly in cases involving sensitive charges like child pornography. Our commitment to defending clients’ rights reflects a deep understanding of the law and an empathetic approach to each unique case. By focusing on building a robust defense, we explore every avenue available to protect your rights throughout the legal process.

High Stakes and Legal Repercussions

When confronted with such allegations, the stakes are high—both legally and personally. A conviction can lead to severe penalties, including lengthy prison sentences and significant fines, and it can cause lasting damage to your reputation and relationships. Given the gravity of the situation, seek the counsel of a skilled child pornography attorney familiar with Georgia law. An experienced attorney can provide the support and legal expertise necessary to navigate this difficult time.

Taking Control of Your Situation

Facing child pornography charges can feel isolating and terrifying, but you have the power to take control of your situation. The legal system may seem intimidating, but with Phillips Carson Phillips by your side, you can approach it with confidence. We believe in justice and finding a path forward, no matter how bleak things may seem. Your future is shaped by the actions you take now. Your future depends on it.

Managing the Emotional Toll

The emotional toll of being accused of such a serious crime cannot be underestimated. The fear of losing your freedom, the potential for sex offender registration, and the impact on your family create an unbearable weight. A compassionate attorney provides legal representation and support during this difficult time in your life.

Possible Defenses to Child Pornography Charges

Defending against child pornography charges requires a comprehensive approach that focuses on both the case details and the broader legal context.

Lack of Knowledge Defense

One primary defense involves arguing that the accused lacked knowledge about the possession of child pornography. In many cases, individuals may not have realized that the material they possessed included sexually explicit images of children. A skilled defense lawyer can argue that the accused neither knowingly nor intentionally possessed illegal material. This defense becomes particularly relevant when evidence was obtained under questionable circumstances, potentially leading to a violation of the defendant’s rights.

Authenticity and Interpretation Challenges

Challenging the authenticity and interpretation of the alleged material is another common defense. The prosecution must prove that the images in question meet the legal definition of child pornography under both state and federal law. A defense attorney can argue that the images or videos do not meet this definition or were mischaracterized. The defense might also present evidence that the material was manipulated or altered, thereby questioning its credibility. These arguments can introduce reasonable doubt in the minds of jurors, which may result in an acquittal.

Contextual Defense

The context of the alleged offense plays a significant role in child pornography cases. For example, if the accused was a victim of entrapment or if the material was distributed without their knowledge, these factors can serve as strong defenses. A lawyer can argue that the accused was coerced or misled into a situation that led to criminal charges.

Contact a Savannah Child Pornography Attorney

If you face child pornography charges, remember that professionals are ready to help you through this difficult time. Engaging the right legal representation provides clarity and confidence as you confront the challenges ahead. Contact Phillips Carson Phillips today by calling (912) 232-0081 for a free consultation.