You might think that all drug crimes are the same. But there are actually many different ways to commit a drug crime in Georgia. Whether you’re arrested for selling, manufacturing, possessing, or distributing controlled substances, there are different ramifications of being convicted of a drug crime.

Depending on the type of drug crime you’re arrested for, the potential consequences can be very different. This article discusses some common types of drug crimes in Georgia and the potential penalties for each offense.
Types of Drug Crimes in Georgia
There are a variety of drug crimes in the state of Georgia. Some of the more common offenses include possession, manufacture, and distribution of controlled substances. These offenses can be misdemeanors or felonies, depending on the type and amount of drug involved.
- Buying
- Possession
- Distribution
- Manufacturing
- Trafficking
Drug crimes are serious offenses in Georgia. If you are charged with any type of drug crime, you should contact an experienced criminal defense attorney immediately.
Drug Trafficking
Drug trafficking is the illegal transport of drugs or other contraband for the purpose of sale or personal use. Georgia has strict laws against drug trafficking, and anyone caught engaging in this activity can be subject to harsh penalties. Drug traffickers can be charged with intent to sell or distribute. The penalties for drug trafficking are severe and can include lengthy prison sentences and large fines.
Drug Trafficking Charges and Penalties in Georgia
Under Georgia law, it is a crime to manufacture, sell, deliver, or possess with the intent to distribute a controlled substance. The type of drug involved and the amount trafficked are important factors in determining the charges and penalties a person will face if convicted of drug trafficking.
Cocaine is the most commonly trafficked drug in Georgia. Other drugs commonly trafficked in Georgia include a crack, methamphetamine, heroin, and prescription drugs. The penalties for trafficking these drugs are much harsher than for marijuana, with lengthy minimum sentencing requirements.
Drug Possession
Drug possession is the act of possessing an illicit controlled substance. It can be a misdemeanor or a felony depending on the number of drugs involved, the status of the person in possession, and other factors. Drug possession charges are typically felonies and can result in significant prison time if convicted. The type of drug involved and the amount possessed are usually the two main factors that determine the severity of the charge. For example, marijuana is typically a less serious offense than heroin, and traffic offenses are usually more serious than possession of a small amount of a controlled substance for personal use.
Penalties for Felony Drug Possession Charges in Georgia
The penalties for felony possession charges in the state of Georgia can vary depending on the type and amount of drug possessed. The minimum sentence for a first-time offender is one year in prison, with a maximum sentence of 15 years. For a second offense, the minimum sentence is two years in prison, with a maximum sentence of 30 years. Additionally, there may be federal drug charges, too.
Drug Paraphernalia
Anyone charged with drug possession may also find themselves facing additional charges related to drug paraphernalia. Drug paraphernalia includes items used to grow, harvest, package, use, store, or conceal drugs. This could include such things as scales, bags of marijuana, or syringes with residue. It is possible to be charged with both possession and paraphernalia charges in Georgia.
Defenses to Drug Crimes Charges
Some of the most common defenses to a drug possession charge include lack of knowledge, entrapment, illegal search and seizure, and duress. If the person charged with drug possession can prove that they did not know the substance was drugs, then they may be able to get the charges dropped.
If the police used illegal methods to obtain the drugs or searched the person’s home without a warrant, then any evidence found may be suppressed and the charges may be dropped. If the person was forced to possess the drugs against their or will, they may be able to use the defense of duress.
There are many possible defenses to a drug crimes charge, and an experienced criminal defense attorney can help you determine which ones may apply to your case.
Contact a Savannah Criminal Defense Attorney Today
If you are facing any type of drug charge in Georgia, you should contact an experienced criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. The penalties for a drug trafficking offense can be harsh. Your criminal defense attorney can be your best defense. If you face a drug crime charge in Savannah, Georgia, Phillips Carson Phillips can represent you. Schedule a consultation by calling (912) 232-0081 or using our online contact form.